Monday, January 7, 2013

Sweet Dreams Are Made of Pasta

It's the night before my first personal training session with Gael, a former Panamanian women's pro soccer player and my personal ass-kicker for the next twelve weeks, and the beginning of my long, slow journey toward getting in great shape for my wedding (and my life!).

In preparation, I've been keeping a food diary for about a week (very BAWSS-like of me), which motivates me to eat better because I have to fess up to what I shove in my face. Today, after a healthy lunch of quinoa, kale, butternut squash, and chickpeas, I was starving by 4 PM. By the time I got home at 7, I couldn't help myself: I dug into some leftover Annie's mac 'n' cheese mixed with broccoli...while I cooked my OTHER pasta and broccoli dish.

My true dinner was actually delish: whole wheat pasta with a broccoli pesto (made in the food processor with broccoli, parsley, parmesan, and olive oil) with a little grilled chicken. I have no problem cooking great-tasting healthy meals. The biggest hurdle for me as far as eating right goes is that the healthier I eat, the hungrier I am. Sooner or later, I overdo it. I have to get better at snacking on things with protein that will keep me fuller longer so I don't double-meal it come dinnertime.

As I prepare to bed down for the night and try to squeeze in as many hours of sleep before my 7 AM date with fitness destiny, I'm definitely feeling a little nervous. Last time I worked out with a trainer, I ended up fainting and having to be revived with Lemon Gatorade and a banana. I am trying to think of all the people out there who have overcome much, much more trying hurdles than this: cancer survivors, Paralympians, and the 76-year-old bodybuilder I saw on Pinterest who started weightlifting at age 52!

My muscles may scream at me in the short run, but in the long run, my body will thank me (and Gael) for the hell I'm about to put it through. Wish me luck!

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