Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Second Training Session + The Desire to Get Wild

Two things I want to discuss in this post:

1. My second training session with Gael
2. Getting fed up with eating healthy and not being an alcoholic
3. My new-clothes ban

So starting with the training. I went this morning, and was happily able to report to Gael that I had done roughly the routine we did last week again on Friday, then did yoga on Saturday. It felt good to tell her I'd worked out! That's one of the major benefits of a trainer in my opinion - it's someone to whom you have to be accountable other than yourself.

Today, we did almost completely different things than we did last time, which is great, because this is expanding my knowledge base immensely.

We started out with some light warm-ups, then did lunges. We moved on to the pull-up/assisted dip machine, and did a series of pull-ups, dips, then a kettlebell-lifting exercise. I had always been too afraid to use a kettlebell, but under the watchful eye of Gael correcting my form, it was actually ok. Although it's really easy to use your lower back instead of your hips/thighs/abs to do the repetitive swinging motion (you start with the kettlebell held between your legs, then swing it up to about eye level, letting it fall back down between your thighs).

We then moved on to some free weights, then this crazy ass rope-pulling machine. You basically sit on a bench and pull a giant rope (weighted down, of course) for however many minutes you can take it. After one minute, I was ready to be done. But of course there were three minutes to go, and Gael instructed me to ratchet up my speed in 30-second intervals. After four minutes, I could REALLY feel it. We ended with some ab exercises. After the workout, I had to go sit in the sauna for a little while and think long and hard about my long-term goals. Why isn't it easier and more fun to get a sexy upper back and skinny arms?!?!?

On to the second topic: I could NOT BE MORE TIRED of eating healthy! I started really making an effort to eat better right before the new year, and I have to say, I've stuck to it. The amount of quinoa, kale, broccoli rabe, and fat-free yogurt I've consumed over the last three weeks is stunning. No bagels. No breakfast sandwiches. No cream sauces. It's not like I'm starving or anything, and to be honest, I feel really good, but I've just gotten to the point where I'm craving the really bad stuff. Greasy late night pizza. Macaroni and cheese. Bagels and cream cheese!!!

I'm trying to be good, but it's just so tempting to order Pad Thai for lunch instead of eat the sad, healthy whole wheat pasta and veggies I brought for lunch. I'm trying to stay strong! The thing about eating healthy, but not cutting a ton of calories (i.e., not starving yourself or doing a juice fast or something like that), is that the results aren't immediate. It will take months of eating like this (PLUS exercising) to see changes. And I am the most impatient person on the planet. After every workout and every healthy meal, I stare in the mirror like, "WHY AREN'T YOU SKINNY YET?!?!?"

However, I have made a resolution to NOT weigh myself until the end of March (not that I'll stop working out after that point, but that's my 3-month time allotment to really focus on my health in anticipation of wedding-dress shopping). I think that will help me not get caught up in the moment of being like, "What the fuck?! How'd I gain two pounds overnight?" when it's really just that I drank a lot of water or something.

And the third topic (I know this post is getting long): speaking of wedding dress shopping, I have made a goal not to buy new clothes until April. My rationale is that the amount of money I normally spend in 3 months on clothes is roughly equivalent to what I am allowing myself to spend on my wedding dress (this is a horrifying thought, by the way). So not only can I not eat fatty foods, I can't get drunk all the time (because I have to wake up and work out in the mornings), I can't even SHOP! I have NO VICES LEFT!!!!! I'm gonna have to start kicking puppies or something, because living this ascetic and disciplined of a life is just NOT as fun as being a lazy, hedonistic asshole.

On that note, I'm signing off. Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, congrats on duplicating your workout and hitting up a yoga class before your second session! That's awesome! I'm glad you guys are exploring all sorts of different routines. I have been really intimidated to try kettlebells, too, although I have been super curious about them for years! I am hoping that we do them in my boot camp class. Sounds like you had a good experience with them. And sitting in the sauna after a good workout sesh is THE BEST!

    Ok, I might get some backlash for saying this, but if you want to eat some pad thai or get a greasy pizza, do it! Don't do it EVERY time it crosses your mind, but I am a big believer in doing things in moderation. Depriving yourself of these foods are only going to make you want them more and might even make you resent your decision to eat healthy. If you allow yourself the chance to eat small portions of those foods in addition to your other healthy foods, you'll be less likely to stray entirely from the program and consume a whole 18" pizza while locked in your bathroom sobbing about your fat armpits. You're essentially eating 21 meals a week. It's ok to cheat on a few of them. And a glass of red wine with dinner is ok, too. :)

    Lastly, I love your idea of not buying any new clothes til April. I am going to try to do that with you!
